alabama story

Homunculus is a name given to a hibrid of a human and a beast. Something less then human. Sevda’s characther is pregnant and experimented on. I think this video shows the way we misstreat women, how femininity is considered to be something animalistic. Misoginy is so deeply engrained in our society and this video is trying to represent the struggles of women and other people who identify on the feminine spectre. The scene with the pit is similar to the Garden of Eden,she is traped in a paradise for men’s view, and this is why there are two hands holding her breast. The praying mantis symbolizes the way we view strong women as femme fatales, a danger to the patriarchal ideal of womanhood . While trying to protect her child she defies the archaic view of the woman being just a child bearer, submissive and quiet. She fights the system, she fights for the rights of her and her baby, even though other women try to bring her down(the two women who try experimenting on her) , even though the men hunt her. She tries to dance in order to free herself from the chains that hold her down. And in the end she is boiling with emotion and the only being symphatizing with her is an android, something considered less than human(but in the end proven to be more « humane » in comparison to the repulsive and insensitive behavior of mankind)…

Oh, my God
Who should I be?
What is it you want when you come for me?
Every time, you’re another evil
Waiting for an angel that you bring to Hell

I’ve been through a lot in life
I lived, loved
Distant from it all
I view myself from above
Roamin’ in the fields of hope
Will it make or break me?
‘Cause my dreams are heavy, they outweigh you and me


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